

Company: Various

Year: 2011 - 2018

Role: Unicorn

One of my passions is to design physical objects with a digital layer to improve their functionality. I've been doing this for years, sometimes as part of my work with companies, sometimes in my own time. Below are some of my favourite experiments.

Smart Shelf

In collaboration with Multitouch Barcelona, we created the Smart Shelf as a new generation of shelves designed to simplify storage and search for large collection of DVDs, video games, blue-rays, etc. I used colour as the main resource to group collections.

The shelf I produced was a proof of concept where users could catalogue their items by pressing a piano-like coloured key as they were putting in the object. In the future, every time they pressed that key, the light in front of the item would light up in that specific colour. 

In collaboration with Multitouch Barcelona, we created the Smart Shelf as a new generation of shelves designed to simplify storage and search for large collection of DVDs, video games, blue-rays, etc. I used colour as the main resource to group collections.

The shelf I made was a proof of concept where users could catalogue their items by pressing a piano-like coloured key as they were putting in the object. In the future, every time they pressed that key, the light in front of the item would light up in that specific colour. 

LED Screen

In collaboration with Blip Blip, I built an LED screen that projected, in real time, the silhouette of the person in front of it. Using a combination of Kinect and Arduino I built the 24x18 screen and programmed the system.

The screen had a total of 432 LEDs individually connected in rows and columns, 2 Arduino boards, and 3 universal boards.

White Cane Aid


During my master degree, we built the blind aid. The objective of this product was to enhance the feedback white cane users receive from their surroundings. We added an ultrasound sensor and a few vibration devices to the cane to provide feedback on objects that were at a height that the cane wouldn’t necessarily touch, e.g. a table. We used vibration to map three areas directly onto the handle of the cane to provide users with feedback of objects that are up to 3 meters away. Unfortunately, we never built a more realistic prototype.

Selected Work

EurosportConnected TV

Boiler SupportVoice UI Design

Recipes - Voice SkillVoice UI Design

7digital iOS AppApp design

PeloteoExperiential design

Connected ShelfExperiential design

MIDI PlayerExperiential design

Government Digital Services (GDS)Interaction design & Research

ExperimentsOther projects

Get in touch

+44 (0) 7717 590 110
